On Saturday, July 23 at 01:10 (-0500), Dale said:

> I was hoping since it was a whole different numbering scheme that it
> was 
> a major change.  That was the reason for my question.  I didn't know
> if 
> this was major or a normal update or something else.   I was hoping
> for 
> something like when Seamonkey went from version 1.* to 2.* but this
> is 
> not the case.  The reason I was hoping for this was because of my
> kernel 
> panic issue.  I'm still hopeful that something may have been updated 
> that will fix my problem but I'm not as hopeful now since this is 
> nothing great.

Yeah, but a kernel panic is *not* a major issue.  They are reported all
the time.  And it probably doesn't take a *major* change to fix it.

To the contrary, *major* changes typically introduce more bugs.  So you
probably *don't* want a major change.

      * Major change: re-write or architecture change
      * Minor change: bug fixes <-- you want this

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