Dale writes:

> OK.  New theory here.  This came about in another thread about the 
> shiney new kernel, that isn't new by the way.  Anyway, look at this crap:
> root@fireball / # ls -al /home/dale/
> total 640
> drwxr-xr-x 61 dale users   2672 Jul 23 10:14 .
> drwxr-xr-x  7 root root     208 Jun 17 03:01 ..
> drwx------  3 dale dale2     80 Sep  3  2010 .adobe
> -rw-r--r--  1 dale users     24 Apr 10 16:40 .aspell.en.prepl
> -rw-r--r--  1 dale users     29 Apr 10 16:40 .aspell.en.pws
> drwxr-xr-x  3 dale users     96 Feb 25  2010 .avidemux

> By comparison, check this out for my test user:
> root@fireball / # ls -al /home/dale2/
> total 73
> drwx------ 13 dale2 users   544 Jul 11 01:59 .
> drwxr-xr-x  7 root  root    208 Jun 17 03:01 ..
> -rw-------  1 dale2   500     5 Jul 11 01:59 .bash_history
> -rw-r--r--  1 dale2 users   127 Apr 18 14:04 .bash_logout
> -rw-r--r--  1 dale2 users   193 Apr 18 14:04 .bash_profile
> -rw-r--r--  1 dale2 users   551 Apr 18 14:04 .bashrc
> drwxr-xr-x  4 dale2 users   128 Jul  5 12:28 .config
> drwx------  3 dale2 users    80 May  8 11:55 .dbus
> drwx------  2 dale2 users   144 May  8 11:55 Desktop
> -rw-------  1 dale2 users    24 Jul  6 22:18 .dmrc
> drwxr-xr-x  2 dale2   500   112 Jul  5 15:59 .fontconfig
> drwxr-xr-x  2 dale2   500    88 Jul 11 01:51 .gstreamer-0.10
> drwxr-----  2 dale2 users   112 Jul  5 15:59 .hplip
> drwxr-xr-x  4 dale2 users   200 Jul  5 12:16 .kde4
> drwxr-xr-x  3 dale2 users    72 May  8 11:55 .local
> drwx------  5 dale2   500   136 Jul 11 01:56 .mozilla
> drwx------  2 dale2 users    48 Apr 18 14:04 .ssh
> drwx------  3 dale2   500    72 Jul  5 12:21 .thumbnails
> -rw-------  1 dale2   500     0 Jul 11 01:59 .Xauthority
> -rw-------  1 dale2   500 50596 Jul 11 01:59 .xsession-errors
> root@fireball / #
> Why are some using the group users and others using my test user dale2?  

And what is group 500? Did you use your $HOME directory from another OS maybe?

> I don't think I have a group dale2.  Could this be the cause?

You have the group, or else it would not be shown by ls. But you once  group, 
which is only known by its GID 500 now.
You can check your IDs with the 'id <user>' command.

> What 
> exactly tells Linux to give those permissions?  I looked around in /etc 
> for some file that would set this but I can't find anything.

Normally, files are created with your primary group. The one that is in the 
fourth column of your user in /etc/passwd, you set it with usermod -g.

> Even if this isn't the cause, how do I go about fixing this?

If you never intended to use different groups at all, chgrp -R users $HOME 
should do the trick. But I doubt it has anything to do with your kernel 


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