Alex Schuster wrote:
Dale writes:

Alex Schuster wrote:
I don't use tmpfs any more, as 8G of RAM is barely enough to run KDe
I run KDE here and it uses less than 1Gbs all the time.  Most of the
time it hovers around 1Gb with a lot of junk open.  If your used 8Gbs,
you got a lot running or something.  o_O
I'm using 4.5G right now according to free -m (using the -/+ buffers/cache
entry). 550M for a Windows VM, 355M for Kontact, 350M for my TV-Browser
application, 200M for Firefox, incredible 165M for a Chromium instance, 155M
plasma-desktop. Oh, there's an emerge -a command waiting for me to confirm
it should run, 155M. virtuoso-t neds 150M, the same goes for Amarok, and
kwin is at 140 now. The rest is mainly more Chromium and Konqueror
processes, X, akonadi_nepomuk, apache2, kmymoney, the rest is less then 65M

The system even starts swapping from time to time. 6G was not enough, things
are much better now that I have 8G. With 4, it became unusable after 1-2
days of being logged into KDE.

Well, if you were using LVM, this would take less than a minute:

lvresize -L +2G /dev/myVolumeGroup/myVarVolume
resize2fs /dev/myVolumeGroup/myVarVolume
Yea but I don't use LVM.
I know :)


Jeez, I thought I used the kitchen sink here at times. The better question may be, what don't you have running? LOL


:-)  :-)

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