On Friday 29 July 2011 14:18:41 Michael Mol wrote:
> Something that's been tickling my brain for a couple years now, and
> you guys are probably the right ones to ask.
> I haven't dropped coin for an SSD (yet), but I was wondering about
> uses for them beyond using them for / or /home.
> 1) What about sitting swap (partition, file, whatever) on the SSD?


For $DEITY's sake- NO!

ssds can't withstand many writes (yeah, I know, millions blablabla... earlier 
done than you think). Do Not Do This.

SSDs are not meant for such a scenario.

> Presumably, in scenarios where expanding the RAM in a system is
> prohibitively expensive, an SSD could reduce the impact of swap
> thrash.

no, it is increasing the impact of SSD trash.

> 2) While my system rarely goes above using 2-2.5GB of RAM, I enjoy
> having 6-8GB of RAM, just for the file cache. Of course, I lose that
> when I reboot; the cache needs to be repopulated. Has there been any
> work in the kernel for doing things like Vista/Win7's ReadyBoost?
> ReadyBoost has a ridiculous limit to only using 4GB of a flash drive,
> but I'd think that an 80GB SSD would be a massive performance
> improvement.

with a SSD filecache is not that important anymore - and every usb-stick is 
slower than a SSD.

> Obviously, for something like Gentoo, putting an SSD-based filesystem
> under /var/tmp makes a lot of sense, but what other uses have been
> tried? How'd they work out?

no, /var/tmp is very not important from a performance point of view - with the 
exception of /var/tmp/portage - and that is a candidate for tempfs.


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