Hi all,

I use a USB key to transfer files between my printer/scanner and my
computer. This all works fine except that I am unable to delete empty
directories on the USB key.

The following applies to both user 'hilco' and 'root'!

centaur usb # mount
/dev/sdc1 on /mnt/usb type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,user=hilco)
centaur usb # find .
centaur usb # rm -rf *
rm: cannot remove `APR-13-2011': Directory not empty
rm: cannot remove `AUG-05-2011': Directory not empty
centaur usb # mkdir xyz
centaur usb # rmdir xyz

(I should note that any files in the MMM-DD-YYYY directories *are* removed.)

I could reformat the USB key of course but I would prefer to be able
to simply delete old directories.

Any ideas what might be causing this?


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