On Thursday 18 August 2011 08:33:06 Matthew Finkel wrote:

> Browsing through the page, the project looks pretty dead which seems
> strange considering how many contributors it had.
> As such, I've never used it but Hyper Estraier[0] may do what you want,
> as well. There are probably others out there. There's also always the
> Google option.
> [0] http://fallabs.com/hyperestraier/

I had a play with this, but there's a snag at the server end - it threw an 
internal config error when I tried to run the cgi-bin script.

While looking into that, I discovered the the web host already has a search 
engine available to its customers. Well, what do you know! That has to be my 
next investigation.

Thanks for the idea anyway.

Peter           Linux Counter 5290, 1994-04-23

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