On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 12:06 PM, Sebastian Beßler
<sebast...@darkmetatron.de> wrote:
> Am 02.09.2011 18:09, schrieb Mark Knecht:
>> I believe you can trust it, but why use --depclean instead of just -C?
> If you unmerge with -C you have to be sure that nothing needs it as a
> dependency. Using --depclean helps because it checks that and only
> unmerges if nothing needs it as a dependency anymore.
> Greetings
> Sebastian

Fair enough. Thanks. Presumably the use of --depclean doesn't work
until you're clear with emerge -DuN @world?

I've used this stuff so long I've not learned many of the newer tricks
I think. Good stuff.


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