On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 6:27 AM, Lars Madson <rwx...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> After upgrading world, I might have gone a bit fast on the last conf files
> that I update with etc-update.
> Now that I restart deluged, the init script brings up eth1 but I only have
> eth0 correctly setup.
> It should use eth0. In rc-update list I see net.eth1, no net.eth0, if it can
> help.
> My question is when this net.eth1 is called so that I could fix this wrong
> routing?
> thx
> Laurent

Check /etc/init.d to ensure you have links for both eth0 and eth1.
Then check both /etc/conf.d/net &
/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to ensure you have both
interfaces set up as you want them, double checking each interface's
MAC address using ifconfig against any values listed in
70-persistent-net.rules, if any.


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