Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
I htink almost everyone understand this. Regards.

I think you are one of *very* few that understands this.

This reminds me of a old joke. One in four people have a mental issue. Check three friends and if they are OK, you are it. Again, it is a joke but my point is, very few people are liking this. That alone should say a lot. This is a very few people forcing a change that no one wants. You seem to fail to understand that. If this "new way" of doing things causes someones server to be hacked, I would be looking for that dev that started this mess. I don't run some large server but some on here do and this is important as it gets.

Personally, if I'm going to have to start running my Gentoo box like a binary based distro, I may as well use a binary based distro. If others feel like I do, then Gentoo may start losing users. I got away from Mandrake for reasons such as this. A init* is just one more thing to break. If you been on this list long enough, you know my record for finding things that are really crappy. One that comes to mind is hal. I can assure you I can find other examples. People complained about hal and the dev didn't seem to listen until it really hit the fan. I think the replacement was made by the same dev but maybe after listening a bit he found where he could improve things. I wish the person behind this could do the same before he breaks a lot of stuff. By the way, as Alan and others can point out, I never got hal to work on my system. It was nothing fancy either. At the time it was a Abit NF7 mobo with IDE drives and a PS/2 mouse and keyboard. If a package can't work right on something as basic as that, it has little hope of anything fancy for sure.

I'm going back to my garden. You have fun promoting this mess that is being created. You seem to enjoy it a lot.


:-)  :-)

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