On 2011-09-26, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 3:37 PM, pk <pete...@coolmail.se> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Happened upon this interview with Linus Torvalds that some of you might
>> find interesting (if you haven't seen it already):
>> http://h30565.www3.hp.com/t5/Feature-Articles/Linus-Torvalds-s-Lessons-on-Software-Development-Management/ba-p/440
> Yeah, I just saw that. Admittedly, when I saw this section:
> --begin-section--
>  Breaking the user experience in order to ???fix??? something
>  is a totally broken concept; you cannot do it.

That's hilarious.

The Linux developers are _constantly_ changing APIs in ways that break
existing device driver code.  There are repeatedly wholesale
re-designs of some APIs that happen between minor versions of a
supposedly "stable" kernel.

We have to touch our NetBSD and FreeBSD drivers maybe once every 3-4
years.  Often our Linux drivers have to be updated every 3-4 _months_
to keep up with changes in the kernel that break things.

I suppose one could try to claim that people who ship Linux drivers
for their hardware aren't "users" of the kernel, and therefore our
dealing with such breakage isn't a "user experience".

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Everybody is going
                                  at               somewhere!!  It's probably
                              gmail.com            a garage sale or a disaster

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