On 09/29/2011 03:21 AM, masterprometheus wrote:
> Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:
>> I'll be soon getting a new desktop.
>> I've fixed the CPU as AMD Phenom II 1075T
>> These two motherboards came to my notice which support the above
>> processor: Gigabyte 880GM - GA 880GM-USB3L & 880GM-USB3
>> How good is Linux support with those? If bad, what other mobos support
>> 1075T and Linux support is awesome?
> Neither 880G nor SB710 is a new chipset, so they should work out of the 
> box. But you may want to wait. Bulldozers will be out at October 12, and 
> their prices won't very different than Phenom II's. And FX-8120, expected 
> to be priced around $200 will be an 8-core, faster and better 
> overclocker.

Bulldozers coming out in October 12, I'll better wait then. It has much
better virt support.

Nilesh Govindarajan

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