Gyuri wrote:
> Bastian Balthazar Bux wrote:
>> Frank Schafer wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 09:38 +0000, Gyuri wrote:
>>>> Frank Schafer wrote:
>>>>> Hmmm, If I'm reading this and if I'm seeing that this is not the
>>>>> problem
>>>>> of just one user ... I'll be very glad to install with 2005.0 8-|
>>>>> ... if this appears right after installation with 2005.1, of course.
>>>>> Just a thought
>>>>> Frank
>>>> Yes, you're right. I tried 2004.3 and former MiniInstall discs and
>>>> this did not happen. It don't make any mess until now, all my
>>>> software is able to work.
>>>> But it's a little strange to me. I recommend you 2004.3, you won't
>>>> experience this restriction.
>>> Thanks, I think I still have the 2004.3 image laying around somewhere.
>> I've done a pair of installation of 2005.1 and the and the root dir is
>> mounted 0755.
>> #ls -ld /
>> drwxr-xr-x  20 root root 488 Aug 13 05:19 /
>> there are not many place where the mounting of "/" dir happen:
>> /etc/init.d/bootmisc  here / is mounted read only to start the work
>> /etc/init.d/checkroot this one check and remount "/"
>> boot are installed from sys-apps/baselayout , here
>> sys-apps/baselayout-1.11.13 .
> Thank you very much, I'll give it a try. I've used 2001.-universe and an
> old (yet removed) installation (hungarian version)

In the specular thread that it's evolving right now [I (user) can write
to / ... but why]

there is an answer like this:

|The problem on both my laptop and workstation was simply the fact that
|the root partition (/) was owned by UID=1000 GUI=100. Apparently this
|a bug, but a simple `chown root:root /` was sufficient to fix the
|problem, and I also changed several file-permissions in underlying
|directories (like usr).

If you find something similar try a command like this:

#find / -gid=100 -uid=1000 -type d
(find all directories owned by user 1000:100, the first user in gentoo)

if you think *all* that directoryes should be owned by root this make
the change.

#find / -gid=100 -uid=1000 -type d -exec chown 0:0 {} \;

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