I recommend cmus, it does have an cool ncurses-based interfaces and some
vi-style commands

2011/10/25 Jonas de Buhr <jonas.de.b...@gmx.net>

> Am 23.10.2011 06:58, schrieb Nikos Chantziaras:
>  On 10/23/2011 07:05 AM, Lavender wrote:
>>> I added "USE=-KDE" to /etc/make.conf ,
>>> but when I use emerge like below :
>>> # sudo emerge mplayer
>>> OR
>>> #sudo emerge amorok
>>> I found that the emerge always download
>>> something which contact with X11/lib .
>>> I don't know why the USE I set have no effect.
>> Well, these are X applications (and Amarok is a KDE application.)
>> Obviously they need X to work. USE flags are there to configure
>> *optional* dependencies and behaviors. For mplayer and Amarok, these
>> dependencies are not optional.
> for amarok this is true, but mplayer works well without X:
> http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/**HTML/en/softreq.html<http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/softreq.html>
> USE="-X" emerge mplayer should work fine.
> but i recommend mp3blaster for console music playback.
>> As others mentioned, you should install a command line player. There are
>> a few. mpg123 is not really a media player though. You might want to
>> look at this:
>> http://tuxarena.blogspot.com/**2009/04/several-powerful-**
>> console-music-players.html<http://tuxarena.blogspot.com/2009/04/several-powerful-console-music-players.html>



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