Lavender <lavender_matrix <at>> writes:

> So whenever I want to write a email I have to reboot
> my computer and boot the windows system. I'm thinking that
> if I can send or receive mails just under terminal, no
> need web pages or windows. Also at the same time could 
> I send mails though the mail server what I use right now under
> terminal?

A long time ago there was command line syntax called
"mail". I have not used it in a long time, but I'm sure
the old unix sources are around, but it may require
sendmail to be installed. Dunno and my memory is
not reliable that far back (hell, last week's memories are
a stretch if you really want the truth)....

Very useful for a variety of uses....

I did find this in portage; it seems useful, but
i Have never used this package....

Come to think about it, the old mail command line
stuffage may have been BSDish, but too foggy to
recall the details......



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