On 29/10/11 19.47, co wrote:
> After I run e2fsck -c on /var partition.I have re-emerged pam. So I 
> think there is something wrong with my hard disc.

Why do you think that? Did badblocks identify any specific problems?

A failing hard disk generally shows very obvious symptoms (noises,
periodic system lockups due to read retries, I/O errors in the kernel
log) before getting to the point of causing the widespread filesystem
corruption you seem to be experiencing.

Ext4 is generally quite resilient even when handled roughly, so I would
tend to suspect a memory issue. That's just a guess, though, since you
didn't provide much information.

> something Error and Warning on boot time,and after startx mouse can't
> move. So how to fix the hard disc now?

As Mick said, you don't fix a hard disk, you try to salvage whatever is
on it and then you go for a replacement.

However, your first priority should be to rule out memory issues: doing
any kind of data recovery operation on a machine with defective memory
is a recipe for disaster.


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