Am Montag 31 Oktober 2011, 17:21:23 schrieb Alex Schuster:
> Michael Mol writes:
> > My point is that the numbers aren't what mattered here. My point is
> > that SAMSUNG sold me a shoddy product, replaced it with another
> > instance of the the same shoddy product, wouldn't replace it again,
> > and never addressed a detailed technical report of a systemic problem
> > in the same. Bad tech, bad customer service, and it looked like this
> > was a more common scenario than among other manufacturers. All of it
> > boiled down to a nasty case of being a bad candidate for spending time
> > and money.
> Samsung, uh? Here's my story of today. My fried just bought two external
> USB drives. I wanted to know which brand the HD is, so I checked with
> hdparm -I, and googled for SAMSUNG HD204UI. I found a story about a bug
> which makes the drive sometimes forget to write a block when it is
> attached to a SATA adapter in AHCI mode and when the ATA command
> "IDENTIFY DEVICE" is sent (like in hdparm -I or when using the
> smartmontools). There is a firmware patch for this, this is good. But on
> the annoying side:
> - You need to make a DOS boot floppy and copy the patch there.

nope, just use systemrescuecd. It has a freedos boot image (or had.. last time 
I needed it.. was long ago)

> - The new firmware has exactly the same revision number. How stupid is
>   this?? I cannot even find out whether the drives have the problem or
>   not. Except by trying to reproduce the problem.

yes, that is stupid. but you can just run the patch agan.

> Here's a link to the but I described, but It's German only.
> en-F4-HD204UI-Update-1150154.html I also read some angry comments about
> Samsung there. Question is, are other manufacturers better? And wasn't
> Samsung Electronics bought by Seagate anyway?


> Any idea whether an external USB drive case might count as a SATA
> controller in AHCI mode? I tried to trigger the bug, but that did not
> happen, so I guess it's fine, at least when being in the USB case.

none. Get esata.

> Another problem is that data access frequently stalls on her PC, like when
> transferring data or doing a mke2fs. After a while, this message appears
> in syslog, and the process continues for a while, until it happens again:
> usb 1-4: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 7

your case is crap.

> Same problem with a GRML boot cd and on another USB port. Happens with
> both drives. But it is fine on my PC.


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