
Am Freitag, 4. November 2011, 14:27:44 schrieb Jens Reinemuth:
> On 04.11.2011 14:18, Michael Mol wrote:
> > We use Openfire and Asterisk at work. I wasn't aware they could be
> > integrated, though.
> > 
> > Meanwhile, each independently is great.
> While i agree that asterisk is great i really think that openfire is "a
> hell of a jabber server"... While ejabberd runs as erlang script,
> openfire is written in java which makes it depend on a actual vm with
> all it's disadvantages (slow, memory overhead, ...). Even if the
> configuration via Webinterface is really easy and comfortable, you have
> at least 10-20 features you don't and even will never need...

erlang isn't a "scripting language". It's a functional programming language 
compiled to bytecode running in a vm as does java. It has builtin distribution 
and it's quite easy to write servers that scale and provide many 9s of 
availability. The OTP framework (erlangs stdlib) provides support for hot code 
loading, so you can upgrade your application with no downtime.

> ejabberd is a jabber-server. not more not less and runs with way less
> memory and io...
> But i can't understand why there aren't any native (aka. compiled)
> jabber-servers, at least some that have actual releases...

erlang has hipe, which compiles erlang to native code. I don't know, if 
ejabberd works compiled with hipe.


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