To convert a UNIX date to a human-readable version the command is :

  556: ~> date -d @1321251520
  Mon Nov 14 01:18:40 EST 2011
I would like to create a Bash alias or function to do this,
but can't get the Bash syntax right: it keeps telling me
"date: the argument `1321251520' lacks a leading `+';
when using an option to specify date(s), any non-option
argument must be a format string beginning with `+'
Try `date --help' for more information".

I can't find any explanation for the '@' in the CLI version
nor do various attempts to insert '+', escape '\@' etc succeed.

Can anyone suggest a way to do this ?

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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