Alex Schuster <> [11-11-23 20:08]:
> asks:
> > Is it right, that is simple to pull out the old card and insert the 
> > new one or do I badly forget anything ?
> Just be sure to shut the machine down before doing that. You might lock
> yourself out for quite a while if not.
>       Wonko

Hi *

This mail is written while looking at it via a display driven by a msi
560 ti ! TADA! :)

Thanks a lot to you all for the quick a helpful postings!

Currently I am using  the 290.06 driver which works "fine enough" for
the first and I am curious what 290.2 will bring, when it appears
in the great world of gentoo :))

On question remains:
When rendering via Blenders shiny new Cycles GPU renderer,
nvidia-settings shows a performance of 51% and nothing more.
I switche to "Maximum performance preffered" but this does 
not really anything worth mentioning...

Do I understand "51%" wrong here or...

Best regards,

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