I somehow screwed up my new and shiny box.

Everything ran fine until yesterday I depcleaned a bit too much, as it

The symptom:

booting sits there and openrc has many services waiting for other
services ... the first one seems to be mdraid ... but I am not sure.

I already chrooted into the installation and did "emerge -e system" and
"revdep-rebuild" and stuff. "emerge -avuDN world" doesn't work for me,
as I don't want to pull in gnome-3.x right now ...

As far as I know everything (system) is now built with gcc-4.5.3 ... so
that shouldn't be the problem.

The raid-arrays (md0 for root) assemble correctly from live-cd, so what
could be the problem? What should I explore now?


lvm2? Should be part of @system? Will look for that now ...

Thanks for any help on this, Stefan

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