On 27/11/11 16.36, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> sys-apps/openrc-0.9.6 is just... gone?  Not even masked, but completely
> gone from portage.
> What happened to it?

Last time I checked it was hardmasked. Now it's been confined into
oblivion, I hope.
It had a "little" problem in resolving the dependencies of a newly
introduced boot service that created a cycle and caused the boot process
to hang (almost) forever with rc_parallel=YES.

With 100% repeatability, mind you, which does raise same questions on
the amount of testing done before release. Yes, it's ~arch and
rc_parallel is explicitly marked "experimental", but it's not expected
to be completely and consistently broken, either.

If that sounds like I'm ranting, it's because I just spent about an hour
getting three machines affected by this problem back into working state.

If anyone still has it installed, it's time to sync and downgrade :)


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