Fresh install of gentoo as guest vm on win7

Configured kernel, fdisked like so:

/dev/sda1 boot
/dev/sda2 swap
/dev/sda3 /

set boot as bootable

emerged various things...
emerged grub and ran it 

  root (hd0,0)

  setup (hd0,0)
  bla bla

Edited fstab

/dev/sda1       /boot [...]
/dev/sda2       swap  [...]
/dev/sda3       /     [...]

But, when I remove the livecd and attempt to boot from hdd, its a
total failure:

FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted

So it appears that as has always been the case, there is some PITA
stopping up the works.

So what is the trick here... one googled result says to boot with
something containing gparted and set the boot partition
bootable.. that cfdisk doesn't work.

I used fdisk... is there anything to that claim.. or better yet what
do I need to do here.

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