
On Fri, 16 Dec 2011, Joerg Schilling wrote:
>This is interestingas some mkisofs users report that there are DVDs that look 
>as if there is a need to introduce negative padding between some files.

There's DVDs that look (to e.g. lsdvd) as if there were ~60 Tracks of
various sizes used, with a playing time of, say, 40 hours overall,
breaking the Specs willfully. Of course, only e.g. 4 Tracks are the
"real" tracks. Figuring out which tracks those are (e.g. playing the
disc with xine, mplayer or vlc) and then extracting only those tracks
with e.g. dvdbackup is the only possibility. Images etc. will be
defective. Don't ask me how you create such interleaved tracks
(e.g. tracks 20-35 would be various parts of a series episode but only
one, say 27, would be the full track). I'd guess "negative padding" (at
least in the nav-structures) might play a role there.

Just this week I've had a DVD, where lsdvd just barfed. The image with
k3b was broken. dvdbackup for single tracks worked.

That's one reason I like to rent a disc before I buy a whole series.
Actually, there's only one Movie-set that has broken (one or two out
of 5) discs, most I own are standard conforming and some seem to not
even bother with css.

"Digital files cannot be made uncopyable, any more than water can be made
not wet."                   --Bruce Schneier on `copy protection' schemes

And I want to make backups of the discs I own. The less hoops I'm
forced to jump through (with a rented disc), the more likely I am to
buy something. There's a certain series (c.f. above) I quite like, but
the DVDs are just plain broken. Won't buy. Period.

-dnh, got to look up the publisher on above mentioned disc where lsdvd
    barfed ... ah: Cnenzbhag. I hadn't have them on my "publishes
    un-DVDs" list yet. Well, anyway, some publishers seem to start not
    to produce un-DVDs lately. Just keep sending rented disc after
    disc back as "broken" and asking for replacement ...

>> Take two Gods.
>Diagnostic. n. Someone who doubts the existence of two Gods.
Makes sense. Every regular user of diagnostics that I know of only
believes in Murphy.   -- >>D. Holdsworth, >C. Suslowicz and Lionel

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