On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 01:57:58PM +0000, James wrote

> Find the minimal flags and the optimum CFLAGS settings for 
> your needs. Refine by testing. USE a fast hard drive.....
> Avoid apps that soak up ram. Some video apps are ram_hogs...
> I'd be curious to learn what you finally figure out.

  What I finally figured out was that "-march=native is *EXTREMELY*
conservative".  As a matter, I started a new thread on exactly that
topic<G>.  To summarize... "-march=native" had disabled  mmx, sse, sse2,
sse3 (aka pni), and ssse3, all of which are available on the cpu.  After
explicitly adding those flags to CFLAGS, emerging system+world, and
rebuilding the kernel, it runs 1080p just fine, thank you.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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