John Dangler schreef:
> Holly~
> Maybe you can get this to work with this page...
> e_Directly_Into_The_Kernel
> There's a section somewhere in here that talks about that exact error.
> John D

Thank you, John-- that is what I've been doing (which is a change from
my original behaviour, which was to compile a separate initrd). Doing so
did improve the situation in that using the livecd theme now allows the
computer to boot (whereas the initrd using the silent splash would
result in a kernel panic and halt).

But I still get the message that 'no 8bpp pics are specified in the
theme file' (twice) and then the message that the silent or verbose
(whichever I've specified) image cannot be found, after which the system
continues to boot. The console images are said to be being set (no
message that they cannot be found), but (of course) do not appear.

I even uninstalled the theme, deleted the folder in /etc/splash and
reinstalled (which surprisingly gave me a new tarball), but there was no

I haven't yet rebuilt the kernel with the emergence theme instead to see
if there's any difference, but that's next on the list, along with Uwe's
suggestion to tar up /etc/splash and let him have a look at it.

I'd think it's a script problem, but many (or even most) people have no
problem with this theme, so I'd think it's something on my system, but I
can't imagine what would be so unique to my system that this problem
would show only for me.... wait a minute.

I did notice one thing, however-- or rather two things that are related
(so add up to one thing).

Maybe the problem is /lib/splash/cache? This is mounted as a tmpfs, but
not by /etc/fstab, and I can't get rid of it (unmount it). I think it's
mounted because I was instructed to --bind it at some point in the very
distant past, and while I noticed that it was mounted for 'no reason'
(shouldn't it unmount when the system has finished booting, after all?),
it gave no attributable problems (in terms of the system as a whole).

But as an experiment during this effort to solve the stupid problem with
the livecd theme (I hope you all see why I haven't attempted to solve it
up to now; this is a lot of work for a really dumb issue), I tried
setting the theme to 1024x768 instead of my traditional 1280x1024 (under
the theory that maybe 1280x1024 was also somehow non-standard, like the
1280x800 the forums poster was using, but everything should support
1024x768). What happened was no change, but the message specifically
said something about looking for 1280x1024.cfg... which wasn't right.

So maybe some bad files are being cached somewhere, and that's why all
of my changes have been ignored?

How do I get rid of cachedir on /lib/splash/cache type tmpfs (rw)? Maybe
then I won't have to clog up Uwe's email with a tar file (that I'd have
to look up the commands to create anyway ;) ).

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