On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 00:37:35 -0700, Joseph wrote:

> >   It seems you still have kdm in listed in world, try replacing that
> > with something "non-kdeish" like xdm or something

> I don't have "kdm" I unmerged it and replace it by slim
> The following USE changes are necessary to proceed:
> #required by kde-base/libkonq-4.7.3, required by
> kde-base/kdepasswd-4.7.3, required by kde-base/kdm-4.7.3-r1, required
> by @selected, required by @world (argument)

This clearly states that @world requires kdm. What does 
"grep kde /var/lib/portage/world" show?

Neil Bothwick

Code: (n.) a means of concealing bugs favored by programmers.
      (v.) the process of concealing bugs by programming.

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