Dale wrote:

I been doing some testing on this. I went to about the end of a 3 hour video. By the time it gets near the end of the video, the sound is almost 1.4 seconds off. I tested this by telling smplayer to adjust the audio delay. It is a bit annoying to see something on screen then hear it a second or so later. It's like seeing a explosion at a distance. You see it then have to wait for the sound wave to hit you. When I am midways of the video, it is about .6 to .7 seconds off. So, it gets farther off as it goes. It's most likely one step off that just gets worse as it goes.

I tried a couple other commands but I get errors about the file type. I think a couple movies are in flv1 which is old. I may have to convert them then stitch them together, which may not do the sound any good then either. lol

Well, I got something to play with.


:-)  :-)

Well, I tried to go to sleep and come back to this tomorrow. I couldn't sleep so here I am again. While laying there I came up with a idea. I stitched the first two videos together into a temporary file. Then I stitched the temporary file to the 3rd video. The sound is off but it sort of resets when it reached the stitch point so it is a good bit closer than it was.

If I ever get me a video camera, I'm going to know to not break up videos if I ever plan to put them back together again. It appears that when you break the video, it is like humpty dumpty. You just can't quite get it back together again.

At least this way is faster tho. Thanks to all for the ideas. I'm still testing things.


:-)  :-)

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