On Wednesday 28 Dec 2011 19:09:43 Vishnupradeep wrote:

> http://pastebin.com/TLa218vW

From a very quick scan I see:

!!Sound Servers on this system

      Installed - Yes (/usr/bin/pulseaudio)
      Running - No

I can't recall from your earlier posts.  Have you tried enabling pulseaudio?

Either way, I also see:

Simple mixer control 'CD',0
 Capabilities: pvolume pswitch penum
 Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
 Limits: Playback 0 - 31
 Front Left: Playback 0 [0%] [-34.50dB] [off]
 Front Right: Playback 0 [0%] [-34.50dB] [off]

If juk reads this I am guessing that it will not make any sound.


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