On Jan 1, 2012 9:45 PM, "Andrew Lowe" <a...@wht.com.au> wrote:
> Hi all,
>        I'm playing around with the Boost library, www.boost.org, at the
moment and the question is in relation to it but the question also applies
to other libraries I've played around with, where are the examples and doco
>        I can't seem to find the Boost example source code anywhere. I
also can't find the doco that comes with Boost. Is there a default location
that ebuilds should drop examples and doco when dealing with libraries such
as Boost? Boost does not seem to have a USE flag that says "Install
examples somewhere" so I'm at a bit of a loss as to where this stuff is?
>        Any thoughts greatly appreciated,
>                Andrew

Usually USE=docs install the docs. Also, some packages have USE=examples.

The customary location is /usr/share/docs/$PACKAGE-$VERSION


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