On 01/16/2012 04:12 AM, Hartmut Figge wrote:
> There is a difference to my x86_64 Gentoo that *may* be important
> x86:64:
> Available Java Virtual Machines:
>   [1]   sun-jdk-1.6  system-vm
> i686:
> Available Java Virtual Machines:
>   [1]   sun-jdk-1.6  system-vm user-vm
> On i686 there is not only system-vm, but also user-vm. Don't know, why.

I never had user-vm set until just now.  It made no difference AFAICT.

It seems that your java environment is somehow broken, but I don't know
why.  Some part of libreoffice thinks that javaldx is available when it's
not.  What does java -version say?

Because both jdk and libreoffice are binary packages, I'd say just
re-emerge them both, and then use eselect java-vm set system to re-
write all the java-config symlinks just in case they are wrong.  You
might run env-update again, too.  The shotgun approach may work :)

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