On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >> My firewall is blocking periodic outbound connections to port 3680 on
>>>>> >> a Rackspace IP.  How can I find out more about what's going on?  Maybe
>>>>> >> which program is generating the connection requests?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Uh, a packet sniffer?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I have an old laptop here that I have a second (cardbus) network card 
>>>>> > in.
>>>>> > Really cheap and cheerful - the sort of thing you can pick up on
>>>>> > freecycle. It's been a while since I've done anything like this, but you
>>>>> > should be able to stick a box like that between the router and the rest
>>>>> > of your network, run Wireshark and filter on that port. If the
>>>>> > connection is encrypted then at least you'll see the originating IP.
>>>>> I've actually got the originating local IP from the shorewall log.
>>>>> I'm just trying to figure out which program and maybe which user on
>>>>> that system is generating the outbound requests to port 3680.  Is
>>>>> there any way to get more info without setting up a new box?
>>>>> > I don't think it's relevant that the IP belongs to Rackspace - don't 
>>>>> > they
>>>>> > just hire (virtual) servers to anyone that wants one?
>>>>> Yeah I just meant the request could be going to "anyone".
>>>>> - Grant
>>>> Are you running NPDS in your LAN and is it configured to access any sites 
>>>> on
>>>> rackspace?
>>>> --
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Mick
>>> I am not running NPDS.  I looked it up when I was researching port
>>> 3680 and read about it for the first time.  I know which machine is
>>> making the requests.  Any way to drill down further?
>> If the machine is running linux, then 'watch "lsof -n|grep TCP|grep
>> 3680"' as root is a sloppy but effective way to find it. There's
>> probably some way to set up a firewall rule on the host in question
>> that logs out the user and (possibly) PID of the connection, but I
>> don't know.
> All of my systems run Gentoo. :)  Where does watch come from?

shortcircuit@saffron ~ $ equery b `which watch`
UserWarning: 'cache.metadata_overlay.database' is deprecated:
  (user_auxdbmodule, modules_file))
 * Searching for /usr/bin/watch ...
sys-process/procps-3.2.8_p11 (/usr/bin/watch)
shortcircuit@saffron ~ $

Incidentally, does anyone know why all my portage-related executions
get that 'cache.metadata_overlay.database' warning? I've been seeing
it for weeks, even on fresh installs. I would have assumed a bug like
that would have been fixed by now.


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