> From: Michael Hampicke [mailto:gentoo-u...@hadt.biz]
> Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 8:10 AM
> > Technically, they did, it was just impossible for an OS to make it
> > actually work:
> >
> > http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2009/04/02/9528175.aspx
> Quote
> > And you certainly don't want to make the user go through this
> > training session when they unpack their computer on Christmas
> > morning. "Thank you for using Window 95. Before we begin, please
> > insert a floppy disk in drive A:."
> I wish they would have tought of that when they forced users to activate
> and/or register Windows.
> "Thank you for using Window XP. Before we begin, please enter your 100
> digit serial number"

Sweet. I had 15 minutes in the office "how long before someone makes a 
pointless, unrelated Windows insult out of my post" pool; I just won $5.

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