On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Christopher Kurtis Koeber
<ckoe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to recover MySQL databases (which were properly shut down) from
> an EXT4 formatted hard disk.

What happened to require the recovery? Which parts of the database
server shut down properly, and which didn't?

> I loaded the SystemRescueCD distro that you can
> get online and when running TestDisk I can see the partitions but I cannot
> recover said partitions because it tells me the structure is bad (any
> options here, by the way?)

What kind of partition table was it?

> With PhotoRec, I can recover parts of the MySQL Database but I cannot get
> the important *.MYD files because I guess PhotoRec doesn't have the
> signatures for that type of file.
> So, any options I have at this point?


> Thank you for your time.


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