On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 7:19 AM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
> On 2012-02-14 6:19 PM, m...@trausch.us <m...@trausch.us> wrote:
>> If you're interested, I can detail a history for you, and explain why
>> GRUB 1 was discontinued and why the whole thing was restructured in
>> detail.  I can't right now, as I am about to get on a conference call,
>> but I can certainly do so later tonight or tomorrow if you want.
> What I would prefer is a detailed yet simple 'How-To' aimed at the average
> user rather than the hacker (in other words, don't assume I can read
> code/scripts and understand all or even some of what is happening) or write
> my own scripts, etc...
> Also, I'd prefer this How-To be aimed at current users of GRUB Legacy,
> meaning, 'This is how Legacy did it, but now GRUB2 does it this way, and for
> this reason'...

Just from reading Mike's earlier post, it sounds like the answer to
the bulk of those would be:
1) Legacy GRUB didn't do that. Your distro patched it to do that.
2) GRUB2 does it this way. Because legacy grub didn't do that.

> And last, a lot of examples of comparisons of GRUB-Legacy/GRUB2 config files
> for different types of systems (obviously, these should include all of the
> most common systems, then more esoteric ones can be added by those using
> them)...

It sounds like you're asking for a cookbook. (Which is admittedly
something I wondered about yesterday)

Still, it sounds like most of your menuentries could follow a template
like this:

menuentry '$name' --class gnu-linux --class
gnu --class os {
       insmod $partition_table_module
       insmod $filesystem_modules
       set root='(/dev/which_disk,$partition_table_entry_identifier)'
       search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root
       linux   $path_to_kernel_from_boot root=/dev/root_fs_disk ro

(Shamelessly adapted from Mike's sample. I removed the video and echo,
as I suspect they're not necessary, and I removed the gzio module,
though I don't know what it's needed for)


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