Am Samstag, 18. Februar 2012, 01:25:24 schrieb Paul Hartman:
> Hi,
> I obtained a Samsung 830 128GB SSD, it supports SATA3 interface, but
> haven't installed it yet. My motherboard has the Marvell 9128 SATA3
> chipset. I read a lot of FUD about this chipset, but it is always
> exclusively from the perspective of Windows users complaining about
> Marvell drivers, lack of TRIM support in the driver, etc. (Official
> statement on the capability of the chip itself is covered by NDA,
> apparently...) The driver should be irrelevant in Linux since I'm just
> using ahci for everything, but limitations of the chipset or BIOS
> implementation itself... who knows?
> I understand the Marvell 9128 chip does not reach the full speed of
> the SATA3, but it should still be faster than the onboard SATA2 ports

not really

> even if it's not as fast as the drive's maximum speeds. Lack of TRIM
> would be bad, though, and any bugs causing disconnects or data
> corruption obviously would be unacceptable to me.


> Are any of you using this chipset in Linux with SSD and can tell me if
> it works properly for you and has working TRIM commands passed through
> to the SSD?

no, thank god I dodged that bullet. Everything but marvell should be fine.


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