On Feb 24, 2012 7:18 AM, "Harry Putnam" <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> First my setup:
> Fairly basic (newish) install (noX) in a Virtual Box vm on windows7 host
> I'd like to hear some of the ways you all keep up with syncing and
> update world.
> Of course the basic call with cron is clear enough:
>  eix-sync
>  emerge -vuD world
> But what I mean is how you handle things script wise, so that when
> something doesn't compile or something else untoward happens during
> `emerge -vuD world' things don't just get jacked up.

The only automation in my case is eix-sync followed by emerge -uND
--fetchonly @system @world

Then, on Friday I manually start the update process on half of my servers,
the other half the next Friday.

> That may not be a very common occurrence, especially since my install
> is quite basic, but I am running with `~x86' so it might be a bit more
> likely to come up.
> Also, what have users found to be good guess at how often to update
> world? (given my console mode setup, and the fact that it is not a
> server of any kind, more just a way to keep my hand in things gentoo)

In my case, once every other week is enough, unless there's a serious
security issue that needs immediate update.


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