> [snip]
>>> I enabled some more kernel options under USB Network Adapters and it's
>>> working now.  The install is about done but there were a few
>>> peculiarities:
>>> 1. fdisk won't let me specify a start block before 2048 even though I
>>> deleted all partitions.
>> That's normal. It's a long story, but Windows Vista and Windows 7 expects
>> the first partition to start at sector 2048.
>> You can force a lower number by toggling "DOS compatibility"; this should
>> let you start the first partition as low as sector 63.
>> HOWEVER, make sure that all partitions begin at multiples of 8 (e.g., 64,
>> 72, 80, and so on); this will save you a lot of grief if it happens that the
>> hard disk you're using has 4KiB-sectors. [1]
> Got it, I'll just stick with 2048.
>>> 2. grub-install reported something like:
>>> fd0
>>> hd0
>>> hd1
>>> where hd1 was the USB key.  Should I fix this to remove the USB key from
>>> grub?
>> I see no problem. The lower number is still the internal hard disk, so grub
>> shouldn't have any trouble booting.
> Sounds good.
>>> 3. Portage complains about duplicate repositories.  I think it has to
>>> do with the fact that I ran emerge --sync without downloading and
>>> extracting an initial snapshot.
>> Try 'rm -rf /usr/portage', download (or copy) portage-latest tarball, and
>> extract it into a re-created /usr/portage
> I tried that but I get the same message:
> "WARNING: One of more repositories have been ignored due to duplicate
> profiles/repo_name entires:
> /, gentoo, /usr/local/portage overrides
> /usr/portage
> All profiles/repo_name entries must be unique in order to avoid having
> duplicates ignored.  Set PORTAGE_REPO_DUPLICATE_WARN="0" in
> /etc/make.conf if you would like to disable this warning."
> - Grant

Just figured it out.  I had a duplicate tree in /usr/local/portage
which I just deleted.  I had to re-set my profile with eselect.
Please let me know if there's anything else I might have to re-do.

- Grant

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