On 03/04/2012 01:02 PM, Grant wrote:
> I have two hardware-identical laptops exhibiting different behavior
> WRT xdm.  xdm doesn't try to start automatically on one of the laptops
> but does on the other.  On the one that does not start xdm, I get this
> on startup:
> # rc-update -s | grep xdm
> xdm | default
> # /etc/init.d/xdm status
> * status: stopped
> # /etc/init.d/xdm start
> and xdm/lightdm starts just fine.  What could be the problem?  It
> works perfectly on the other laptop.

There is a switch in /etc/rc.conf called rc_logger.  Maybe turning
it on will give you some useful info.

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