On Mar 7, 2012 12:06 AM, "Stefan G. Weichinger" <li...@xunil.at> wrote:
> Am 06.03.2012 16:55, schrieb Pandu Poluan:
> > My workflow happens to be jumping from a station to another, so I try
> > not turning on my laptop, reserving its battery for the times when I
> > truly need it. That's why I prefer having my time tracker on my phone,
> > which stays on 24x7.
> Makes perfect sense in your case. Do you have each customer as a project
> or how do you organize it?
> S

Yes, each customer is a project, then I create the following taskslots
immediately: Planning, Preparation, Deploy, Test, Final. I may add or
delete taskslots as I see fit later on during Planning.

Then, I just tap on Gleeo's "play" icon whenever I begin working.


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