On 6 March 2012, at 17:25, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Mar 2012 16:32:56 +0000, Stroller wrote:
>>> … I initially want to replace the 3x1TBs with a single 3TB drive but
>>> i've never removed/replaced a drive in an LVM setup before. I think I
>>> understand how it is done, using pvmove …   
>> Or you could just format and mount the new drive and use `cp`.
> Thereby instantly removing the benefits of LVM and making it almost
> impossible to extend the space by adding another drive when needed.

Uh, why not create a new volume group with the new disk?

OP says he wants to *replace* the old disks.

Admittedly, I don't like the RAID0 nature of LVM, so my question probably did 
reflect that cynicism.

> To the OP, pvmove is perfectly safe as it does a copy;verify;delete on
> one small block of extents at a time.

Yeah, I actually have quite a bit of confidence that migrating entirely in LVM 
would work just fine, but my qualifications in this area are quite minimal.

I am glad, however, to have generated some responses to OP's question, which 
had been languishing for c 8 hours without replies when I commented.


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