You could try a combination of XOSD with some of the suggestions at, for example could be tweaked to
replace all echo commands with xosd ones.  Basically you'd end up with
some amount of text over the top of everything else (configurable of
course) and the last line would be relevant to your progress.  As for
actual screen savers, I doubt you'll find one already built for
xscreensaverd, but I've been wrong in the past.

Wade Brown

On 8/23/05, Daevid Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I'm emerging 'world', sometimes (like today) there are 50 packages that
> need to be done. Fine. No problemo. It would be nice to have a screensaver,
> or even better, an overlay of some-kind (so I could have my normal OpenGL
> screensavers running in the background) that told me the basic statistics.
> Then I could leave my box locked and know that stuff is hapily working. As
> it is, I have to continually interrupt the screen-saver, login, notice it's
> fine, then logout.
> * Which # emerge out of total I'm on.
> * what stage of this emerge I'm in:
>         - downloading
>         - unpacking
>         - compiling/linking
>         - installing
>         - unmerging old package
>         + error (this should notify me visualy/audibly)
> * If it's downloading, how may bytes (a moving bar would be ideal) it has
> out of how many to go.
> * if possible, the estimated time to complete the current emerge
> * and of course, the estimated time to complete all emerges
> Does such a thing exist?
> D.Vin
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