> This thread is becoming ridiculously long. Just as a last side-note:
> One of the primary reasons that the IA64 architecture failed was that it
> relied on the compiler to optimize the code in order to exploit the
> massive instruction-level parallelism the CPU offered. Compilers never
> became good enough for the job. Of course, that happended in the
> nineties and we have much better compilers now (and x86 is easier to
> handle for compilers). But on the other hand: That was Intel's next big
> thing and if they couldn't make the compilers work, I have no reason to
> believe in their efficiency now.
> Regards,
> Florian Philipp

Argh, just as I want to quit: I had the dates garbled up. IA64 came out
in 2001 but the compiler design was of course a product of the late
nineties and the design process started mid-nineties.

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