Alle 15:03, domenica 21 agosto 2005, Holly Bostick ha scritto:
> Extensions that *must* be installed by root are, afaik, global
> installations by default. But this may not have been one of them. Did
> you try installing it as a user and get an error saying that the
> extension couldn't be written to /usr/lib/wherever? If you get such
> an error, the extension must be installed by root (and is therefore
> global), because only root can write to /usr/lib/anywhere. If the
> extension installs as a user, then it's local, but it's quite
> possible that if you install it as root it will be global (since
> Firefox almost certainly searches /usr/lib/whatever/plugins for
> global plugins like flash and other media, prior to then searching
> ~/.mozilla/firefox/profile/plugins for local plugins).

I tried in the last two days but the insttation is everytime local 
(there are no questions as the other exstensions!).

Now I found another problem (it is an old problem what I remember was 
solved): I can't use the mplayerpug-in (I have the 2.85)!
I use the info from
and I copied   mplayerplug-in.xpt in the firefox 
directory (/opt/firefox/plugins/) but firefox says that a plug-in is 
What's it wrong?
Ps. I have no more mozilla installed, can it be a/the problem?

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