On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 7:05 AM, Andrew Lowe <a...@wht.com.au> wrote:
> On 03/19/12 20:34, Mark Knecht wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 5:32 AM, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 10:26 PM, Andrew Lowe <a...@wht.com.au> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>>    Has anyone played around with the various "better known" compilers on
>>>> Gentoo? By "better known", I'm referring to gcc, Intel, llvm, pathscale. My
>>>> situation is that I've just started my PhD which requires me to do Finite
>>>> Element Analysis, FEA, and Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD, and I want to
>>>> find the "best" compiler for the job. Before anyone says "Why bother, XXX
>>>> compiler is only 1 - 2% faster than gcc", in the context of the work I'm
>>>> doing this 1 - 2% IS important.
>>>> What I'm looking for is any feedback people may have on ability to compile
>>>> the Gentoo environment, the ability to change compilers easily, gcc-config
>>>> or flags in make.conf, as to whether the compiler/linker can use the
>>>> libraries as compiled by gcc on a "standard" gentoo install and so on.
>>>> Obviously there is much web trawling to be done to find what other people
>>>> are saying as well.
>>>> Any thoughts, greatly appreciated,
>>>>       Andrew Lowe
>>> Think CUDA
>>> Mark
>> Sorry. Meant to include this reference: <$15 on Kindle. Reads great on
>> Kindle for PC.
>> http://www.amazon.com/CUDA-Example-Introduction-General-Purpose-ebook/dp/B003VYBOSE/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1332160431&sr=8-4
>        I'm sorry but I'm doing a PhD, not creating a career in Academia. The
> concept of writing an FEA or CFD from scratch, with CUDA is laughable, I
> just don't have the time to learn CUDA, research the field, small
> displacement, large displacement, dynamics, material nonlinearities,
> write the code, and then most importantly benchmark it to make sure it's
> actually correct. This is all bearing in mind that I have 20+ years
> experience as a C/C++ technical software developer, including FEA and
> CFD. I'll actually be using Code Aster, an open source FEA code that
> runs under Linux.
>        Sorry if I sound narky, but compilers is the subject at hand, not how
> to write FEA code.
>        Anyway, thanks for answering,
>                Andrew

Nahh, be as snarky as you like as long as you don't really mean it personally.

My experience with CUDA, and I'm not a programmer, is that there is a
fairly steep learning curve. However changing C compilers will get you
maybe 5%. Changing to CUDA will get you 30,000%, assuming a mid-high
range CUDA card and that you can parallel-ize FEA. I did a little
Googling and it seems that FEA is a pretty common CUDA topic so I
don't think at the outset that you'd find yourself all alone.

Good luck whatever you do and know that I didn't mind the response at all! :-)


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