On Monday 09 Apr 2012 20:35:33 Philip Webb wrote:
> The gruesome details cb found in KDE bug 294949 .
> I want to be able to enter Greek & other special characters in Kwrite/Kate
> using a compose key, as I can already in Gvim.
> This doesn't work with Fluxbox, but does work with the KDE desktop.
> That suggests some daemon or service needs to be running,
> which is started by 'startkde' but not by Fluxbox,
> which then recognises the compose key & behaves accordingly.
> Can anyone suggest what the daemon or service mb
> & how to add it to ~/.xinitrc so that it starts with Fluxbox ?

Old school here, I add the second keyboard as Option "XkbLayout" in my 
xorg.conf and Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll" to be 
able to use Alt+Shift to activate it.

I just thought that I don't know how to make this work on the console without 

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