On Wednesday 24 August 2005 09:14 pm, Anthony E. Caudel wrote:
> Jonathan Nichols wrote:
> > Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> >> On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 11:57:09 -0300 Daniel da Veiga
> >>
> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> | You know bud, read some rules, be polite.
> >>
> >> There are many who consider top posting to be just about the rudest
> >> thing you could possibly do on a mailing list. HTML email is worse, but
> >> not by much.
> >
> > It's too bad that even *gmail*, the paragon of geek email, encourages
> > top posting. :(
> >
> > And it's also the default setting in Thunderbird. I wish they'd change
> > that.
> As a matter of curiosity, why is top posting considered bad form.  I'm
> using Thunderbird and when it views the mail, by default it is at the
> top.  With bottom posting, I have to scroll down to view the post.

I with you, brother...

For me, top posting keeps me from having to wade through the entire message to 
get to the "new response" of the OP. 

I think most "linux nerds" (me included) distain top posting because it's the 
default setting of some email app that runs on the windows OS....



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