Proprietary drivers work fine with 3.2.1. Haven't tried 3.2.12.
On Apr 18, 2012 5:09 PM, "Walter Dnes" <> wrote:

>  I started a thread a while ago about looking for an accelerated video
> card.  I went and got an ASUS EN210 Silent PCIe card and followed the
> instructions at the Gentoo Nouveau wiki.  I have not been able to get X
> running yet.  Trying to launch X with startx blanks the screen, and I
> can't get it back.  Note that the machine does *NOT* lock up, rather the
> video gets disabled until I reboot.  I can ssh into the machine.  It
> appears to be working fine.  If I...
> * start a root text console in TTY8
> * switch to TTY9
> * startx
>  The screen goes blank and I can't get graphics or GUI, no matter what
> I do.  I can ssh in from another machine and things look OK.  As a
> matter of fact, I can {CTRL-ALT-F8} and blindly issue the command
> "reboot" or "halt -p", and it gets executed.  The attached Xorg.log file
> shows nothing wrong.  "Xorg -configure" does generate an
> file, but screams about...
> ====================================================================
> (EE) [drm] No DRICreatePCIBusID symbol
> Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices.
>  Configuration failed.
> Server terminated with error (2). Closing log file.
> ====================================================================
>  The Gentoo Nouveau wiki says that message comes either from disabling
> DRI (which I didn't do) or from the wrong opengl.  I only have the xorg
> version.  Any ideas?  Do the proprietary Nvidia drivers work with kernel
> 3.2.12?  I'm running with mdev instead of udev.  Would that make a
> difference?
> --
> Walter Dnes <>

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