On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 21/04/12 21:13, Mark Knecht wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>    Ah, for a peaceful Saturday, but I guess not this one...  I'm just
>>> starting to investigate this but maybe someone's worked on this sort
>>> of thing recently?
>> Make sure the mic is selected as the "capture" source:
>> * Run alsamixer in a terminal.
>> * Press F6 and select your sound card.
>> * Press F4 to get to the capture settings.
>> * From the available inputs, select "Mic" (left/right arrow keys) and press
>> space to select it as the capture source. Raise the capture volume to
>> maximum (up arrow key.)
>> * Esc.
>> All of this can also be done in KMix if you're on KDE.
> Hi Nikos,
>   Right, all done both in KMix as well as alsamixer. No change yet.
> Capture was already selected and volume up. I tried with Capture1 and
> Capture2. No change.
>   I tried dropping back to my earlier 3.2.1-gentoo-r2 kernel but that
> also didn't work. However for some reason it also had a problem with
> the nvidia driver and to get X I had to do a modules-rebuild -X
> rebuild so I'm no longer sure what state that's in WRT also. Anyway,
> 3.2.1 boots, KDE logs in but no microphone audio. That kernel was
> built on 3/17 so I'm 200% certain the mix worked on that kernel 2
> weeks ago.
>   What's strange about this (to me) is that when I'm in the Skype
> Test Call app (darn I like that English girl in that. Where is she
> from?) :-) I can tap on the mic and hear the thumps in my headphones
> so I know the mix works. However I'm not sure if possibly the sound
> card isn't mixing that directly into the audio output and maybe Alsa
> is never hearing the mic.
>   Stumped. Going to try the old delete asound.state thing next...
> Cheers,
> Mark

A little more info:

1) If I run a YouTube video while I'm doing this then:
a) PCM controls YouTube volume
b) Master does nothing

2) While YouTube is running, if I turn off PCM so I have no volume,
then I can tap on the mic and hear it. To me this means the mic audio
I'm hearing isn't in Alsa at all but rather it's some sort of hardware
mixer in the sound chip.

3) Muting the Front mic input in Alsa stops the mic audio I am hearing.

4) Modifying Front Mic Boost works as expected: 4 steps of major mic
gain. 0 is totally off. (Like mute on Front mic)

5) In my Capture settings I have front & back mic volume and boost as
well as a 'Digital' input and places to set the Input sources which
are set to Front Mic, Rear Mic & Mix. Changes here haven't effected
anything so far. All 4 sliders are full up. (Capture, Capture1,
Capture2 & Digital)

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