Michael Mol wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [snip]
>> I might also add, genkernel is stable and has been for ages.  It's been
>> a while since I tried it but the last time I did, it failed miserably.
>> It 'claimed' everything worked fine but when I booted, it failed.  I got
>> the old blinky keyboard lights treatment.  :/
>> Just because something isn't marked stable doesn't mean it doesn't work.
>>  I would guess that half the stuff on my system as I type, is not
>> stable.  That would include all of KDE, portage and related tools plus
>> no telling how many other deps that got pulled in.
> Oh, certainly. Sometimes, I have to unmask packages (or versions
> thereof) because I know of upstream fixes I want or need.
> As a general rule, though, I avoid doing it unless I have specific,
> strong and compelling need.

This could be one of those times.  The trouble I ran into became clear
later on.  I had tried to build a init thingy that was built into the
kernel.  It didn't work right so I left it behind.  Thing is, I forgot
to disable that in the kernel config.  So, I was building a kernel with
a broken init thingy and telling grub to use the init thingy built by
dracut.  Can you imagine the fist fight that was being had?

I type all that to say this, unmask dracut, run dracut, add the init
thingy to your grub line.  I'm more sure that it will work than I am of

>> Time to eat.  That init thingy sucked it out of me a while back.  After
>> a week of snacking on quick junk food, I'm hungry.  I actually went
>> outside yesterday.  o_O
> Beautiful spring weather up here in Michigan, clear skies and
> everything. I just hope it stays something like this for my wedding in
> a couple weeks.

I hope you have good weather too.  I just been having health issues,
again.  It's been a rough week or so.


:-)  :-)

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or
how you interpreted my words!

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