On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 9:19 AM, AleiPhoenix (A.K.A Areverie)
<aleiphoe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, all
> Recently when I'm trying sync and upgrade the whole system with
> emerge -DNnav --with-bdeps=y @system @world
> I've got erlang with wxwidgets use flag. On my another gentoo box, uprading
> erlang didn't build with this flag.
> emerge --info shows my final use flag DOES have wxwidgets (while another box
> doesn't have). So how can I find out what cause this?
> Or should I provide more info ?
> Thanks.

Generally speaking, for flags look in


To look at what packages have a certain flag give equery a try:

equery hasuse wxwidgets

and then

eix package

to loo at the use flag settings


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